Fitness and wellness is can feel a bit of a cliche. But wellness becomes real for me - and what I therefore use to underpin all of my coaching - when I define it like this.
Wellness is not just about:
The way we move or workout our bodies
What we choose to eat
Whether or not we feel good about ourselves, our bodies, or our food choices
Wellness for me also encompasses:
Being able to sit with and process difficult emotions
Creating the space we need to feel and be ourselves
Practising the boundaries we need
Feeling comfortable in our bodies, physically, emotionally and spiritually
Understanding the deeper patterns we might have inherited or learnt
Exploring our playfulness, creativity & and sense of peace
Building the realtionship with have our minds, our bodies, and with others
Exploring our place in the world, greater issues and engaging in the changes we'd like to see
Acting from, creating, connecting and listening from the heart of ourselves
Knowing all of these can't happen at once!
When our pursuit of this wellness actually means more headspace for our LIFE, for things outside of ourselves, for JOY and a lot of laughter
With these in mind, I was reflecting on questions I've used this year to step, in small and big ways, into feeling more wellness in my life. I hope they help you today:
1. What makes me feel better?
2. What makes me feel worse?
3. What do I need right now?
4. What story am I telling myself right now? Is it true?
5. What's one kind thing I could do right now?
6. How am I breathing in this moment?
7. What will I feel like afterwards?
8. Who am I trying to become?
9. What's another way?
10. Where am I numbing or covering up my own needs?
11. Is this a helpful coping mechanism right now?
12. Does this align with who I want to be?
13. What feels peaceful?
14. How could this feel easier or more fun?
15. What am I putting my identity in?
16. What's the next tiny step forward?
17. How am I really feeling?
18. What am I seeking to feel right now?
19. How can I care for my body today?
20. What feels like ease, peace and joy?
21. What can - and what can't I - handle right now?
22. What can I say no to?
Which question do you need or could use today?
Caroline x